A night to remember
my first prom night
it happen on 15 august
in TARCollege spot complex
it was jz like what i imagine
everything was just so perfect
the eviroment,the food,the show,the people there
were just so perfect
i shot lotsa photo last night
shot with sau qian,amanda,miki
thanks for asking me to be your date
and invited me to have a dance with you
ans thanks for teaching me how to dance
thanks alot and alot
but...everything seem to be so perfect
it made me miss you more
i really hope you can be my date for the night
but u had rejected me..
i really enjoy the dance with my date
it was so romantic
you teach me the step you,catch me when i fall,
you turn me around and around
however,it was so sweet
but i knew it will be more romantic and perfect if i can have the dance with you
i really miss you while im having the dance...alot and alot
i was thinking if you were there to dance with me
it must be the most sweet momery i ever had
may be we could have our first kiss,the first huge we ever had,
a valueable kiss...
everthing just end with romantical eviroment...